Dr Michael Orphanides

934-936 Botany Rd Mascot NSW 2020

phone: 93174222

fax: 93175445

​email: drmichaelatmascot@bigpond.com

Reliable and Reasonable

You may be able to get your next referral, prescription, or result online!

The cost for this is $60.00

This is for 1 referral letter; or 1 set of results sent to you with a brief explanation, or 1 prescription for up to three medications.

It is totally up to the discretion of Dr Michael to decide if it is clinically appropriate to provide this service; he may request that you come to the surgery (at Mascot Medical and Dental Centre; 934-936 Botany Road Mascot). If so, please make an appointment to see himself or one of the other doctors at the surgery. This may be the case if your request is not straightforward, or is medically more in-depth than would appear to a lay person.

Payments can be made by clicking on the Paypal button below and following the prompts.

The cost is $60 and credit card payment is accepted (or any other payment that Paypal accepts)

Once you have paid, please fill in the box (below right). Include your request, your contact details and the receipt that Paypal has provided for your payment.

You can also ring the surgery and speak to one of our helpful staff - 93174222.

Please note:

There will be no email consulations. If you have questions to ask, may we suggest that you make an appointment to see Dr Michael.

Also, should Dr Michael feel that he can not provide the online service that you have requested, then the $60 payment will be refunded to your credit card or bank account.